*Please Note: The proper protocol when someone requests information on a specific individual is to inform that person and get permission to pass on information or have them contact the person requesting the information. If you wish to contact us email to webmaster@yarmouth.org. Please type Yarmouth or one of it's communities in the subject line. |
Hello: Their are
hundreds more people reading this guest book then signing it. Please
don't be shy, sign in and write us as often as you like. Our viewers
enjoy reading these messages even if they do not directly know you.
Share a bit of you with us.
Requests on this page:
L. LeBlanc | Wyman Brothers
Furniture Company | Babin ancestry | house
which sat on Cain's Hill in Chebogue | Jacob
Seeley b. 1861 and Anthony Seeley b. 1826 | picture
of the Kmart that used to be in Yarmouth | Gavel's
| Benjamin Sabean/Rachel Mullen
| Charlie Brown | William
Whitehouse | Edmond and Irene (Landry)
Comeau | Muise | |
Date: 4/30/2007
Name: Howard Nickerson Location: Yarmouth N.S. E-Mail: shylo_wolf@hotmail.com Comments: Looking for old school mates from Southend school Date: 4/30/2007 Name: gerald gallagher Location: mitchell ontario E-Mail: cheb@sympatico.ca Comments: hello anybody that remembers me write to me please
Date: 5/3/2007 Name: Ken Location: Ancaster, Ontario E-Mail: cheryl.moses@sympatico.ca Comments: Looking for a map so I can find "Perry Rd, Caleton" Thanks -ken Date: 5/4/2007 Name: Gregory Nickerson Location: Edmonton E-Mail: gregorynickerson@gmail.com Comments: Am looking for information regarding family. Gregory L. LeBlanc, (formerly of Sandford), Raymond LeBlanc, Craig LeBlanc, Rachael LeBlanc, (worked in the hospital kitchen for years), and Tim Adams. Please email me any information, as I'd like to catch up with them. It's been a long time, and I'm not the SOB I used to be. Amends need to be made. Thanks. Ps... I miss good old Yarmouth. It'll always be home for me. Date: 5/4/2007 Name: Glenn Burger Location: Vancouver E-Mail: glennrburger@gmail.com Comments: Gender Bias in Employment Dear Mayor Crosby: Since the late 1960's, the womens' groups and feminists have complained publicly (and justifiably so) that the managerial and executive ranks in most corporations are almost exclusively male. They claim that this discriminatory work enviroment keeps women out of high paying, decision making positions and is unfair. Demonstrably, the womens' groups are right. Researching an accusation such as this seems silly. All one has to do is go and look. Women are disadvantaged in the employment marketplace. However, there is a provocative and contradictory view regarding this gender bias in employment issue that is not as widely disseminated in the media but which can readily be found on the world wide web. This view holds that those same employers excoriated by the feminists implemented hiring policies for white collar staff (in contrast to management) which gave almost all of the staff jobs to women because women not likely to be vulnerable to compulsory military service in the event of war. The employers have been doing this since 1945. During WWII, those employers lost a lot of their staff expertise to the military as their then male white collar staffers left for the war. During the war, the women proved their employability and it was obvious they would never have the potential to be cannon fodder in future wars as their male counterparts were so at war's end the employers kept the men who were lucky enough to return from the war off staff. That is, the men coming back just were not rehired. Male management. Female staff. The major white collar corporations structured this employment environment at the end of the Second World War. We still have the same corrupt, arbitrary employment environment today. For reference visit:
Does this email give you a different "take" on the gender bias in employment issue? If you find the view interesting, why not discuss it with your friends and, particularly, your colleagues. If at all possible, I have sent them a copy of this email. Also, if you or anyone that you know would like to post this email on the "web", please feel free to do so. This emissive authored and distributed exclusively by:
Date: 5/6/2007 Name: Gayle Robinson Location: Collingwood, Ontario E-Mail: gayle_instorefocus@hotmail.com Comments: Yarmouth, is the town of my birth. It is with great
pride that I look foward to comming home to visit. The salty smell
of the air and the unique shops on the Main street along with the most
friendly people in the world make me proud to call it my birthplace.
Date: 5/8/2007
Comments: Love your Web Sight.Just found it.Sure brings back a lot of memories from my childhood days. Date: 5/10/2007 Name: Thomas V D'entremont Location: Peabody, Ma USA E-Mail: tommyguns73@yahoo.com Comments: My daughter,wife, & I visited last summer. My grandfather
was born in lower west pubnico, his name was Jim Victor. His sister was
Esther Surrette, her son Melvin is my 2nd cousin. You have a beautiful
place. I loved it when I was there last summer.
Date: 5/10/2007 Name: Mel Chute Location: chocorua, NH usa E-Mail: chutepara82@yahoo.com Comments: Hello:
Date: 5/11/2007 Name: Lynn Hemeon Location: Yarmouth E-Mail: lhemeon@gmail.com Comments: I am looking for information on The Wyman Brothers Furniture
Company from Yarmouth.
Date: 5/12/2007 Name: Lynette Burbine Location: Rhode Island, USA E-Mail: ocean.dolphin@yahoo.com Comments: I am researching my Babin ancestry roots. I have learned my great, great gradfather's name was Theophile Babin - born about 1851 in Acadia (or Belleville), Nova Scotia. He married Adeline Borque about 1876 in St Anne Du Ruisseau, Nova Scotia. They had a son Joseph Alcide Babin (Burbine)born about 1884 in Belleville - who is my great gradfather. Any assistance you could offer would be greatly appreciated! Joseph Alcide Burbine married Laura Meuse (Muise). They resided
- and are buried - in Connecticut, USA
Date: 5/13/2007 Name: Kyla Location: Edmonton E-Mail: Comments: I love Yarmouth it is one of the best places to visit in the
summer it is beautiful!
Date: 5/14/2007 Name: Marshall Location: Maine E-Mail: marshallmoseson@yahoo.com Comments: I just wanted to commend you for your efforts on updating information on Argyle Head. I own some land in the area where blueberry's are harvested. There are two hills that are visible from 103 on the left looking northward, I have the first hill(northern) off of Crowelltown road. There are two wells and a number of old foundations on the property. If there is any information about the settlers, I'd be interested. Date: 5/15/2007 Name: Peter Kenney Location: New Minas N.S. E-Mail: peterkenney@eastlink.ca Comments: Am looking for an old photograph of the house which sat on Cain's Hill in Chebogue Yar.Co.N.S. Vernon Cook lived there for a number of years. There is to be a Cook's family re-union this summer and would like a picture of the old house Date: 5/16/2007 Name: joanne crowell (Goodwin) Location: Truro E-Mail: joecrowell1@eastlink.ca Comments: Hi There!
Date: 5/16/2007 Name: Nancy Robinson Location: West Lafayette, Indiana, USA E-Mail: nsrobins@purdue.edu Comments: I was interested in checking out your site as I have just discovered that my great and great-great grandfathers lived in Argyle and Argyle Head. Their names were Jacob Seeley b. 1861 and Anthony Seeley b. 1826. I am interested in learning more about them and where they were from. Date: 5/19/2007 Name: Mary Ruth Giglio Location: Medford, Ma. E-Mail: maryruthgiglio@aol.com Comments: Great site. I grew up on Surette's Island. My husband and
I will be spending 3 months this Summer on the Island. Looking forward
to it.
ate: 5/20/2007 Name: Jenny bean Location: Truro NS E-Mail: kinipela_peanut@hotmail.com Comments: I am looking for a 2 bedroom apartment near college
in Yarmouth Nova Scotia .Reasonable.We have a dog.School trained.
Date: 5/21/2007 Name: Phyllis Mundell Location: USA E-Mail: LissaGa@msn.com Comments: Enjoy your web site very much! Next best thing to being
in NS, which I hope to be in next few weeks. Hope the southshore has a
good, warm summer, last year was too cold.
Date: 5/21/2007 Name: Harvey Malone Location: Findlay Ohio E-Mail: Harveym37@aol.com Comments: Graduated from Vocational School in 1954. Great town. Would love to hear from locals who could give me some of
Date: 5/21/2007 Name: Jenny Location: New Brunswick E-Mail: jrschell@nb.sympatico.ca Comments: Hi all. A long time ago there was a girl who graduated in 1991 from IMDH..named Jenny Kallio, her dad was a doctor there. If anyone remembers her...email me....... Rebecca Schell
Date: 5/22/2007 Name: Stacey (Surette) Crawford Location: Schweinfurt, Germany E-Mail: stacey_surette@yahoo.com Comments: Hi, my father's side of the family is from Surette's Island.
I have visited a few times but havent been able to get back in a few years
now. I love it!!!!! and miss it very much. My friend
sent this link to me to take a look. Just wanted to drop in and say
"Hello"! So glad so see its out there!
Date: 5/23/2007 Name: Deuce Location: Shilo MB E-Mail: s.doucette@mts.net Comments: Hello, it’s been a long time since I've been home, I have
lived in Shilo MB among many other places for the last 20 years and I'm
finally heading back East. This time for good, I'm going to put in my time
and then retire hopefully back to Yarmouth but who knows. I left home in
88 and have been every where since. I was born and raised in Yarmouth and
I had some awesome times there and some not so great but I hope I can call
it home again some time soon. But you can bet I'll be back to visit every
chance I get.
Date: 5/23/2007 Name: CAROL & CURTIS PURDY Location: CALGARY ALBERTA E-Mail: carcur@shaw.ca Comments: WE ARE FORMER RESIDENTS OF YARMOUTH & ARCADIA A
Date: 5/31/2007 Name: Holly Muise Location: Kemptville E-Mail: scotiangolden@hotmail.com Comments: Hi lovely site. What I am wondering is if anyone has a picture
of the Kmart that used to be in Yarmouth? If so could I please have a copy,
it would be greatly appreciated. I worked there many years ago and would
love to have a pic.
Date: 6/1/2007 Name: Theresa Taylor Location: Massachusetts E-Mail: ttma63@aol.com Comments: To Lennie Nickerson, and Betty Sweeney, 2 of the nicest women
I've ever met. I think of you often and cherish the memories. Many of the
dishes I have made and received compliments for over the years, I credit
to you and your patience and expertise. To Betty, I couldn't have had a
better place to work when I lived in Yarmouth. You and Andy, Nanny and
Bompi, Tootsie, and your entire family, the serenity, the scenery, peace
and family values I was surrounded with every day remain in my heart for
Date: 6/2/2007 Name: Brenda Ann Carlton Location: North Smithfield, Rhode Island E-Mail: Bacnblk44@aol.com Comments: Looking up Ansectoral name. Date: 6/3/2007 Name: tom Location: yar ns E-Mail: tdcleblanc@eastlink.ca Date: 6/3/2007 Name: al muse Location: massachusetts E-Mail: amuse62@yahoo.com Comments: My family came to the united states from Yarmouth Nova Scotia.
My last name is Muse but believe it was spelled Muise and my great great
grandfather's name was Alexis P. Muise. It was my great grand father
would came to massachusetts in approximately 1905. We are looking
foward to taking a trip to Nova Scotia and visting where my family came
from. Thanks everything looks beautiful there.
Alexis Muse Date: 6/4/2007 Name: Alan Lewis Location: E-Mail: kd7ytc@gmail.com Comments: I am descended from Jeremiah Sabean> Benjamin Sabean> Benjamin Sabean/Rachel Mullen> Hiram Sabean/Sarah Isabell Lewis who changed their name when they left Nova Scotia for Washington state to Sabin> Ralph Lewis Sabin (b. 1898) my maternal grandfather. I would love to hear from any cousins as I have only been learning of
my Nova Scotia roots.
Date: 6/4/2007 Name: Aaron Birenbaum Location: Riverside, CA USA E-Mail: abirenbaum@lycos.com Comments: Ranald MacKinnon is my ancestor. Yes, I'm one of probably
thousands... Anyway, my grandfather was Charlie Brown if you want to go
from there. I'm 25 years old and majoring in History at the University
of California here in Riverside. Not much to say really, except that History
tends to be more of what we make it than what it was. Hope to be dropping
by Argyle for the July festivals. If you have any info or would like to
contact me please send me a message.
Date: 6/4/2007 Name: Bill Compton Location: Bill Compton, New York, usa, New York E-Mail: bcompton@yahoo.com Comments: Hi Jim. Photos i received. Thanks
Date: 6/5/2007 Name: Lawrence E. Dell Location: Wisconsin E-Mail: ldelldvm@bytehead.com Comments: Being a member of the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association finding
a canoe, cedar ribs and planking with fiberglass skin inscribed "Hand
Crafted by Willard Hewey , Lake Annis, N. S." was a treasure in itself.
What could only add to its beauty would be any information about
the maker, its purpose, e.g. camp, hunting,fishing, personal recreation?
Should this information be forwarded to me it will be given to the next
to inherit the canoe. Thanks to any and all to respond.
Date: 6/5/2007 Name: Duncan McDonald Location: Kettering UK E-Mail: duncan.mcdonald117@ntlworld.com Comments: Have looked at your sit a lot these last months as we are
emigrating to Yarmouth County as i start a new job in Yarmouth this summer(June
22nd). Its great that you have all this current information available,
as its very useful for potential immigrants.
![]() Name: Deborah Location: New York CIty E-Mail: deborahblau@earthlink.net Comments: I grew up in Overton: ov0083.jpg
Date: 6/7/2007 Name: Mary-Ann Mouritz Location: Perth, Western Australia E-Mail: kimmouritz@iprimus.com.au Comments: My name is MaryAnn Mouritz of Perth, Western Australi and I am the grand-daughter of a John Henderson Gavel from Condobolin, New South Wales, Australia, and I am looking for connections from the Gavel's of Gavelton, Nova Scotia, who believe they may have some connection to us in Australia. I have an aunt Louise Gavel, who visited Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in the
1970's, who is still living in Condobolin, (nee Calton). Louise is the
youngest daughter of John Henderson Gavel, as above, and my mother is Ann
Henderson Tunks (nee Gavel) of Condobolin, also still living there.
Please contact me if you believe you have some connection, as I am very
interested to discover the origins of the Gavel family, pre-Nova Scotia
and some of the history of Nova Scotia itself and in relation to Canada
and USA.
My daughter, Katey Ann Mouritz recently joined the Australian Navy and
by doing so, has highlighted to us the historical sea-faring history of
the family. She is a navigation officer and that is a similar position
to which George Miller is believed to have held upon his "uncle's" ship,
upon his arrival to Australian shores. Seafaring is perhaps common to some
families, but does not seem so to those of us who have spent several generations
living in the inner regions of Australia upon the land, although it is
a passtime many Australians have.
Date: 6/8/2007 Name: Terry Annis Location: Vancouver wash. usa E-Mail: terransea@aol.com Comments: I have to visit this place, some of the happening are so
Date: 6/9/2007 Name: Sar Location: Halifax E-Mail: soccer-animal@hotmail.com Comments: hi Mom [Laura] it is sar i hope you having a fun time love
Date: 6/9/2007 Name: Don E Hazelton Location: Burlington Ontario E-Mail: dhazelton@sympatico.ca Comments: It was good to see all the names of the kids I went to school
with,Yarmouth was always on our holidays plans,last time was in 2005.
Thanks for a good job well done.
Date: 6/10/2007 Name: Bruce Bain Location: Winipeg Manitoba E-Mail: dwnhomr@hotmail.com Comments: I am trying to find out if the road that joins Israel
Allen Road and Peterson Road in Pembroke has a name.A D.O.T. Road
Map 1999 shows it with #449 beside it,but that could be used for who does
the maintenance on that stretch of road.Any help woud be appreciated.
Date: 6/10/2007 Name: Lorna R. Smith Location: Prince edward island E-Mail: ismith@islandtelecom.com Comments: Looking for seniors Apartments in your area. 1-2 bedrooms.
Date: 6/10/2007 Name: Jan Weems Location: Burlington, WI, USA E-Mail: sabrakatz@hotmail.com Comments: Hi,
Date: 6/11/2007 Name: Brenda Crosby Cunningham Location: Maple Ridge B.C. E-Mail: glennandbrenda@shaw.ca Comments: Hi, Just thought I'd try & see if anyone rembers me
would like to get in touch. We will be back in N.S. this July for
a vacation. So good to find this site & see some shots of home
Date: 6/12/2007 Name: tibby martin Location: Lr. East Pubnico E-Mail: mjm@klis.com Comments: I have lived in 4 provinces and Nova Scotia is up there with
best... tibby
Date: 6/13/2007 Name: Don (The Butcher) Location: Cle Elum, washington E-Mail: owens@cleelumwa.com Comments: This photo was just brought into our meat martket here in
Cle Elum, Wa. (Owens Meats) by a local who does underwater log recovery.
He told us that this shark was caught up in some hooks and cable line from
a commercial dogfisherman and he responded to a radio call and asked for
his help. Jim Smith told us that he responded and hoisted the fish
onto his boat with a cable wrapped around it's head up the ramp of his
old naval torpedo recovery boat, which is 70 feet long and that while it
was being drug up the ramp it was rocking his boat as the shark was going
crazy just prior to dying. Jim pointed out that it was him standing next
to the shark on the dock, which honestly looked just like him. This all
happened inside Grays Harbor by West Port Washington. Jim told us
that the shark was a great white and measured 15 feet long. We enjoyed
the story untill coming across your web page.
Date: 6/15/2007 Name: Dick Mattinson Location: 12 Shephard Pl New Hamburg On E-Mail: wurtele@kw.igs.net Comments: I will be returning "home" for the first time since 1969.
I was born in Carlton so will also be spending time there. Anything you
can send will be appreciated, we leave June 28th and should be in Yarmouth
sometime around July 8th. We will be camping so we are especially interested
in area campgrounds.
Date: 6/17/2007 Name: William J Muise Location: Yarmouth NS E-Mail: Info@ForSaleNS.com Comments: Hello, My name is William Muise & I am from Yarmouth & am looking to start up a new business for people mainly in the Tri-counties where you can list anything from automobiles to antiques for sale, Online! The site address is http://ForSaleNS.com. Items can be listed for a ONE TIME fee until they sell, there is NO word limit, & it includes a full COLOUR photo! Also, if you are unable to send a picture or don't own a digital camera, let us know & for a small fee, we will take the picture FOR YOU & upload the ad!! I'm looking at generating a lot of interest to the site so people's ads get the most exposure possible, so check it out now! Thank you,
Date: 6/19/2007 Name: Linda Lou (Comeau) Hicks Location: Charlton,Ma.01507 E-Mail: jewel72754@aol.com Comments: I was trying to Find some family history and came across this
site. I remember visiting our Gradndparents Edmond and Irene (Landry)
Comeau as a family vaction with my parents Edmond and Louise (Harrington)
Comeau Jr. and siblings Barbara,Steven,Donna and Nancy ,along with my Uncle
David and his family. My Grandparents lived near or next door to Sweeney's
Farm. I remember watching the birth of a calf and walking down the road
to MOO at the cows.My Baby sister Nancy getting Squirted by someone milking
a cow and hanging out with Aunt Susan Comeau. I understand that My Grandparents
home is still in the Family and my Uncle Carl and wife Tippy reside there
Date: 6/19/2007 Name: Loretta Hurlburt Location: Yarmouth, N.S., Canada E-Mail: autumnnites@hotmail.com Comments: Greetings, I am seeking information on the Muise branch of
my family tree and am hoping someone can assist me. I very recently came
across my great grand-mother's death certificate and that is what inspired
me to TRY and find out more. This is what I have thus far: Mary Martha
Muise b.June 28, 1871, Surette's Is., d. Dec. 29, 1944, Yarmouth,
Date: 6/22/2007 Name: Pamela Morgan(Thibeau) Location: Calgary, Alberta E-Mail: pamjm403@hotmail.com Comments: I've often visited this site and even though things don't changed too much, it's still nice to view it all again. I moved away back in 1986 to live in Calgary, Alberta but would love to get back sometime with my family so that they can experience the childhood that made me who I am today. Kemptville is truely a great place for young and old alike.....great family and friends. Keep improving! Date: 6/24/2007 Name: Vic Robicheau Location: Saint John N.B. E-Mail: vrobicheau@hotmail.com Comments: very nice to get this about yarmouth on computer, orginally
lived there, near hospital. called tin pot road, .....milton highlands,
been here in saint john since 1975, go home usually once a year to visit,
my wife Mary has relatives in Brenton, .....the Blauvelts ....a
very big family.. again i enjoy everything about yarmouth on this
site, very good work on your part, Vic Robicheau
Date: 6/24/2007 Name: Vic Robicheau Location: Saint John N.B. E-Mail: vrobicheau@hotmail.com Comments: chegoggin is still a nice little village, was there last year
when came home for a visit, went to chegoggin school back in the 50's.
a one room school, good old days, ...lived on the tin pot road, which is
milton highlands now . moved to N.B. in 1975, have relatives here
still. yarmouth, pikneys point, and ohio.... married girl from ohio , Mary
Blauvelt, have lots of relatives in brenton and ohio,,,, you have done
a very good job puttin this site together, hope you keep doin it.
Vic Robicheau
Date: 6/25/2007 Name: Tanya Location: South Ohio E-Mail: tanyabourque@hotmail.com Comments: Surette's Island is the best :) grew up right on title road!
Date: 6/26/2007 Name: Buratino Location: E-Mail: buratino@gmail.com Comments: Ik ben op zoek jonge jenever in Engeland, olifant of hartevelt
of anders , maar kan vind 't niet. Hulp nodig.
Date: 6/26/2007 Name: Buratino Location: E-Mail: buratino@gmail.com Comments: Can't wait also to take Road Trip Course but could not sign
up online. help..... My son and I just took the P.R.I.D.E. class and enjoyed
it alot.
Date: 6/26/2007 Name: Anne BT Location: E-Mail: serenity@klis.com Comments: Hi everyone--if you have visited Digby/St. John/Yarmouth/South
West Nova or plan to; own a home there or have company that comes from
the states or you go there--or to Ontario--your imput is needed!
Date: 6/26/2007 Name: Buratino Location: E-Mail: buratino@gmail.com Comments: Just watched Crossroads: A Story of Forgiveness. What an awesome
lesson in forgiveness, that we should all be faithful in practicing. Sorry
for your loss...but thank you for your courage. Thank you for the work
you are doing with our teens. My prayers are with you.
Date: 6/27/2007 Name: Wilma Location: Estero Fl E-Mail: Stoney26@comcast.net Comments: I lived in Port Maitland until I was nine years old.I lived
at the shore and my sister and I had a wonderful childhood there. My father
was Lloyd Churchill and my mother was Leah Crowell. My Grandfather
was Clayton Chuurchill and my grandmother was wretha Sollows My
maternal grandparents were Elton Crowell and susanna Smith.I would
like hear from any one of the family.
Date: 6/27/2007 Name: Buratino Location: E-Mail: buratino@gmail.com Comments: Looking for Susan Jeffrey who posted here on Des Carter. Violetta
Carter was my great-great aunt. We thought Des was an only child, and
there were no other family members. Please contact me. My mother would
be excited.
Date: 6/28/2007 Name: Cheryl Location: Montreal E-Mail: abbysgromit@yahoo.ca Comments: really like the site - loads of great info but just one thing
missing... house rental information. I am looking to relocate to
Yarmouth and looking at renting a house - can anyone help me. otherwise,
great work keep it up!
Name: Buratino Location: E-Mail: buratino@gmail.com Comments: Very good site,really enjoyed my visit and reading your guestbook
Date: 6/29/2007 Name: Rafael Location: Puerto Rico E-Mail: rar@mcvpr.com Comments: We'll be traveling to NS in late July. Could you recommend
a good place to have lunch or dinner in your area?
Date: 6/30/2007 Name: carole ottino(Allen Location: Carver, Massachusetts E-Mail: ladypain20@msn.com Comments: My late husband Richard Maynard Allen-Ottino and myself have
spend many summers in Carlton with our four children, visiting family,grandmother
Jane Saunders Allen,uncles and aunts- Arthur Allen,Judson Allen, Gerta
Allen, Frances Gray, Keith Allen, Elmer Allen and all the cousins especially
his cousin Victor Hurlbert, my husband spent a summer when he was 12 with
the Gray's, and from the time he was 23 until his death at 58 in 1994 he
always enjoyed comming home.