Tri-Counties Area

Provided as a public service by GrassRoutes of Yarmouth.
Presentation a bit rough---we will get fancy later
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Last update March1, 1997

The Log Report is an Internet meeting place where you can have your messages posted.
To list in the Yarmouth LOG simply sign the Yarmouth GuestBook and leave a message.
Messages are checked and some are posted here.

Many people sign our guest book looking for information on the Yarmouth area.
If you do not wish to have your message posted please write { DO NOT LIST }.
All guest book entries are passed on to Linda Deveau at the Yarmouth Tourist Association.

Name: Patrick and Michel(Mole)Deveau
Location: Odessa, Texas
E-Mail: pmdeveau@iglobal.net

Comment: Hi! It's great to find the Yarmouth Homepage as we're so far from home. would love to hear from old friends and acquaintances to catch up on news. Feel free to drop a line. Enjoy browsing through guestbook logs to find familiar names. By the way, seing a little more of the world makes us realize how great Nova Scotia is!

Name: Gary Muise
Location: Reading Massachusetts
E-Mail: gary_muise.Millipore.com

Comment: Hello, I am coming to the Yarmouth area in June 97 to do geneolocical research. Can someone recommend a good place to stay. Also, can someone please tell me when the name Mius d'Entremont changed to muise and dentremont? Are they all releated? Thanks, Gary

Name: Larry Walker
Location: Oakridge, Oregon, USA
E-Mail: walker@efn.org

Comment: I had the distinct pleasure of visiting Yarmouth in early October, 1995 while on a photo shoot of the fall colors in New England and Nova Scotia. Needless to say, I can't wait to have the chance to return to Nova Scotia...I had a wonderful visit. I remember seeing an advertisement for a cook book, believe it was called "A Taste of Nova Scotia" or something like that. Does anyone know how I may procure a copy of such a book? Thank you very much and thank you for this site on the Internet.

Name: Tari
Location: Chittenango NY
E-Mail: tlpitten@mailbox.syr.edu

Comment: Hope to visit this summer!

Name: Chronical1
Location: Southbribge, Massachusetts
E-Mail: Chronical1@aol.com

Comment: Every once in a while I have to visit home, Now all I have to do is visit Yarmouth web site and I'm there. Thank you for making it possible.

Name: Tony Sollows
Location: Trenton Ontario
E-Mail: tony@connect.reach.net

Comment: I am originally from Yarmouth Area

Name: FAYE


Name: bruce&donna leblanc
Location: williams lake b.c.
E-Mail: bleblanc.@www.stardate.bc.ca

Comment: hi linda bruce here! how are you?i was just going through city maps and came across maps of yarmouth.so i dug a little deeper and it brought me here.i'm originally from yarmouth also.i left there 3 years ago with my wife and came to this city in the middle of b.c. it is very nice here. any i must go!it's been nice talking to home again. well bye for now!!!!p.s.my wife donna sais hi C ya

E-Mail: carlnsue@sesnet.com

Comment: Our best regards to Nancy & Bruce Knowles (if you'd be so kind as to pass them on) we had a wonderful visit a few years ago and look forward to another, this summer or next

Name: rosie
Location: raynardton, yarmouth co
E-Mail: roseannelois@ns.sympatico.ca

Comment: Hi! I have been looking for some of my "old" classmates, but since you won't sign up I will. I haven't heard from some of these people in years,Andra Moores,David Sperry,Ann Penney,Craig Macmullin,Cynthia Woodward and so on and so on. I was one of the lucky ones and never had to leave yarmouth but i would like to hear from some of you people. Roseanne Lois Blades

Name: Nick
Location: Sidney British Columbia
E-Mail: No E-Mail Address Specified

Name: Dennis J. Connolly
Location: Shelburne
E-Mail: lecarmel@atcon.com

Comment: Thanks for your site. It led me just where I wanted to go.



Name: Ted
Location: N.Chegoggin
E-Mail: ted@klis.com

Comment: Hi!

Name: Edward J Lovitt
Location: Wenatchee Washington USA
E-Mail: ejl@televar.com

Name: Sascha Veinot
Location: Yarmouth
E-Mail: sascha@atcon.com

Comment: Very imformative. I think it represents our town well.

Name: jerry deveau
Location: Bridgetown
E-Mail: jerry@simpatico.com

Name: Don & Pam MacKay
Location: Chicago, IL
E-Mail: SOURCE802@aol.com

Comment: Hope to visit the MacKay Festival this year.

Name: Michelle Rhyno
Location: Yarmouth High School
E-Mail: Sc93913@pabest.ednet.ns.ca

Comment: I really enjoy living in Yarmouth and I would never move in a million years!!! GREAT HOMEPAGE!!!!!

Name: Raymond Nickerson
Location: Yarmouth
E-Mail: 95179@ycmhs.ednet.ns.ca

Comment: I currently live in Nova Scotia and I love it here!!!!!I love Michelle Alice Rhyno Want some FEMALE pen pals....

Location: williams lake b.c. can.
E-Mail: bleblanc@www.stardate.bc.ca

Comment: awsome home page like to see more towns doing the same. I use to live there and i miss it i little but more money up here so i'll stay . P.S.You should update guessbook more often,like every two weeks!!!!i get a few names&addresses from it.thank you and have a wonderfull day in yarmouth......

Name: Bernie Jessome
Location: Courtice,Ontario
E-Mail: mdillon@speedline.ca

Comment: Linda I am producing aTheatricalPresentationThe Roy Orbison STORY ,which is suitable for ssoft seat theatres.I performed there three years agowith Legends of Rock&Roll.I impersonate Roy Orbison. This is a very professional two hour show.See my page"Roy Orbison Impersonator,Bernie Jessome}Please give me a name of an individual or service organization who books these sorts of venues.Love Yarmouth,I am a displaced Maritimer. Cheers Bernie

Name: Dwayne Muise
Location: Burridge
E-Mail: No E-Mail Address Specified

Comment: No comments at this moment

Name: Nadine
Location: lynchburg VA
E-Mail: canadianpc@aol.com

Comment: I went looking for the ferry service from Yarmouth to Maine. Is their no longer a ferry service? We were looking at a possible NS vacation route?? Help! If you know - can you send me the 800 number! nadine

Name: Keith L. Perry
Location: Pittsfield, Massachusetts
E-Mail: kperry@taconic.net

Comment: Thanks for the pictures in Port Maitland. Could you direct the camera a little north so we can see our cottage in Beaver River. Thanks.

Name: Amanda Hubbard
Location: Yar.N.S
E-Mail: No E-Mail Address Specified

Comment: I live in Yarmouth Right now and I don't think I'll ever leave.It's nice to know that so many people love our little town.

Name: Jessica "Night Wolf" Hurlburt
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
E-Mail: Jessica_Hurlburt@colby.on.infoshare.ca

Comment: Love the web Page! Miss Nova Scota a lot!

E-Mail: No E-Mail Address Specified


Name: Karen Williams
Location: Gardnerville, Nevada
E-Mail: stephen@willyromero.gardnerville.nv.us

Comment: What a great looking site, found it by accident and decided to look around. Was born in Halifax and have relatives in Comeauville, where my mother is from, and she used to take me shopping in Yarmouth when I was a little girl and I rember it well, wish I was still there. Good luck on your site.

Name: W.J.(Bill) Read
Location: Windsor,On.
E-Mail: bread@netcore.ca

Comment: I was stationed at the Naval Air Gunnery School in the fall and winter of 1944/45. I remember the day that they told us the station was closing.I was one of the Canadian members of #69 course TAG.Sorry I missed the reunion last year.

Name: Shelley Campbell
Location: Port Hood, Cape Breton
E-Mail: nettycampbell@ns.sympatico.ca

Comment: Hi Linda, how is everything in Yarmouth? Remember me, I worked at the Fishers Shanty and was on your team at the YMCA. Did we ever win anything on the Y-12 ticket? I was just playing on the Internet when I came across all this information on Yarmouth. It is great. I'm impressed. Well I hope to be working in Yarmouth again this summer. Please say hello to Dave for me. Shelley Campbell

Name: Jon Trombley
Location: Charlotte, NC
E-Mail: CATSRUS4xx

Comment: Incredible Home page!! WE are trying to find boat transportation to Yarmouth from Bar Harbour (with a car) Can you help???? 704-567-4989 HELP PLEASE!!! :) Jon and Lynn Trombley 7909 Rainbow Drive Charlotte, NC 2822

Name: frank collins
Location: saint john nb
E-Mail: knarf@nbnet.nb.ca

Comment: nice to see such a fine home page on the net from a fine former habitation......helps keep my kids connected to their former home.. bi and best!!!!!!

Name: Matthew Wheelans
Location: Halifax
E-Mail: MDWheelans@msn.com

Name: Lynn Perry
Location: Massachuttes/Beaver River
E-Mail: lrp2@lehigh.edu

Comment: I would love to see some history of the area. Also something on the Yarmouth County Mueseum. I am from the US, but have spent almost every summer in Beaver River and the surrounding areas. Lynn Perry P.S. It's great to see a page from home!
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Yarmouth Home Page

Page Construction by GrassRoutes Computer Services Ltd.
Located in Yarmouth, N.S.
Copyright 1997