Tri-Counties Area

Provided as a public service by GrassRoutes of Yarmouth.
Presentation a bit rough---we will get fancy later
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Last update Dec 17, 1997

The Log Report is an Internet meeting place where you can have your messages posted.
To list in the Yarmouth LOG simply sign the Yarmouth GuestBook and leave a message.
Messages are checked and some are posted here.

Many people sign our guest book looking for information on the Yarmouth area.
If you do not wish to have your message posted please write { DO NOT LIST }.
All guest book entries are passed on to Linda Deveau at the Yarmouth Tourist Association.

Name: Donald Brennan
Location: Atlanta, GA
E-Mail: donaldbrennan@sprintmail.com

Comment: I am looking for anyone from the MUISE family. It is the maternal side of my family and I would like to hear from anyone who is from the Muise family or knows of them. Please send eMail to donaldbrennan@sprintmail.com Thank you in advance.

Name: Charles Barber
Location: Trenton Ontario
E-Mail: cab@intranet.ca

Comment: Lived in Yarmouth 1989 to 1992. Worked with 84th Independent Field Battery as RSS staff Would be pleased to hear from anyone I met during this time period. such as Paul Lombard , James Buchanan , Hiedi Hall , Jamie Vachon , Jason Connors... etc..

Name: Tony
Location: Adelaide S Australia
E-Mail: tmara@bigfoot.com

Comment: Very nice place looks good enough to retire there defenately want to visit

Name: Allen/Smokey Nietz
Location: East Stroudsburg Pa, USA
E-Mail: snsietz@postoffice.ptd.net

Comment: I am researching my family history in your city. Any information on the Nietz family would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Name: David Griffin
Location: Farmington, NM, U.S.A.
E-Mail: dgriffin@cyberport.com

Comment: I have fond memroies of the area around Yarmouth from my childhood visits to relatives in the Belleville area. I hope to return someday.

Name: Sharon Nickerson
Location: Fort St. John BC
E-Mail: snicker@ocol.com

Comment: Always nice to know that no matter where you are you can return home with the click of a mouse button!! Great work on the page and very informative for those who don't know Yarmouth

Name: Jody Tinkham
Location: Seoul, Korea
E-Mail: johee@mail.shinbiro.com

Comment: Hello fellow Yarmouthians. It's good to see Yarmouth is well established on the "Net". I've been here in Korea for 1 1/2 years. It would be great to hear from anyone. Feel free to email!!

Name: Marla Landers
Location: Wolfville, ND
E-Mail: 025805L@acadiau.ca

Comment: http://axe.acadiau.ca/~025805L/marlajea.htm

Name: mike smith
Location: portmaitland
E-Mail: dylan@klis.com

Comment: web page easy to follow

Name: angela
Location: fredericton, nb
E-Mail: angela@unb.ca

Comment: funny how related link home pages work....started out with a site in California, who in turn had a link to South Cover Nursery in Yarmouth, who in turn had your Home Page. You never know where you're going to end up!

Name: Caroline Anderson
Location: Malahat on Vancouver Island
E-Mail: mcduff@islandnet.com

Comment: Greetings to you all in Yarmouth from Vancouver Island! My Mom and Dad own the Austrian Inn in Dayton. Familiar with it? If anybody see's my Mom or Dad (Alfred & Tineke Posnak) or my brother Chris (who works there as a cook) please give them my love. Thank you!

Name: G. Fraelic
Location: Brooklyn, Queens County, N.S.
E-Mail: No E-Mail Address Specified

Comment: Just browsing thru and found this information on Yarmouth, its wonderful!

Name: Kenneth Frotten
Location: Toronto
E-Mail: kenneth@rogers.wave.ca

Comment: Just saying hello to the class of 1990 at SAR!!! I also would like to congratulate Lloyd D'eon and Jason Nelson on tying the knot this past year!!!!!!!!!! It will be my turn on Feb 14 1998.

Name: Dawn Walker
Location: Anchorage, Alaska
E-Mail: skaione@alaska.net

Comment: Dear Ms.Deveau; My name is Dawn Walker and I a writing to you in request for some information for my 12 year old daughter. She has a science project due and in it she is suppose to find the chemical symbols for 16 different items. We had been on and off the net for two days now and the we found all but folate and sodium nitrate and Selenium. I know you may not get alot of requests like this but we were not able to find this information anywhere else. Any information you may be able to give her will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dawn Walker

Name: Gerald
Location: Tusket Falls
E-Mail: jacquard@atcon.com

Comment: On your last page you spelled Yarmouth wrong.

Name: David Somerville
Location: Perth Ontario
E-Mail: dsomer@perth.igs.net

Comment: Hi again Yarmouth, my old and dear friend!!! It's been 3 yars since we moved (Donna and I) and am looking to relocate back to the Yarmouth area...I will complete a CNE (Certified Novell Engineer)/Telecommuntications Technicians course in June of 98 and will be looking for a job in this field. If there is anyone who can help me in this area.... its much appreciated!!! Hope to see you in the spring!!!

Name: Bill Oudegeest
Location: Modesto, California
E-Mail: oudegees@sonnet.com

Comment: I'm pleasantly surprised. I've been doing research on some former yarmouth citizens and thought I'd turn to the internet today - what a wealth of information. Does your historical society have an address or better yet an internet address? Bill Oudegeest oudegees@sonnet.com

Name: Bryon Fevens
Location: Just south of Pluto
E-Mail: bfevens@dagi.com

Comment: To all my friends in Yarmouth, Greetings and Salutations !! It is great to see Foggytown on the Web. If you see anyone I know, say Hi ! To all my enemies...sorry, I'm not dead yet...

Name: Ina LaPointe
Location: Campbellton, NB
E-Mail: ilapointe@gov.nb.ca

Comment: Hi, My husband's ancestores were orginally from Cape Sable, Yarmouth. Is there any information on the french community around the 1600's?

Name: No Name Specified
Location: Montreal
E-Mail: myers@cae.ca

Comment: Enjoyed all the goodies offered in your site. We plan a visit next year to the Nova Scotia.

Name: Sharon Nickerson (Deveau)
Location: Fort St. John BC
E-Mail: snicker@ocol.com

Comment: Guess when the nites get long as they are here now it's nice to "go home" via the net .... always fun to see who you know and who may be around the area I am in now... After living in Yarmouth all my life with my family and friends , the move to the west has been a major change...and Yarmouth, you sure look good from BC :) Hoping to get home next summer... If anyone sees the MacIsaacs.. MIke and Nancy or Benoit and Florence Deveau, say Hi from the rest of their family in BC :):) Keep up the great work, and if anyone out there knows me (Corey and Sharon Nickerson...drop me an email)

Name: Niklas Wibom
Location: Sweden
E-Mail: mcpege@hotmail.com

Comment: I like your homepage.I´m a 25 year old gardener who seek job. Will work in nuresry´s in botanical gardens etc. Very godd at what i do. You better belive it !!!! Contact me for more information............. Merry Chrismas & Happy New Year
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Page Construction by GrassRoutes Computer Services Ltd.
Located in Yarmouth, N.S.
Copyright 1997