*Please Note: The proper protocol when someone requests information on a specific individual is to inform that person and get permission to pass on information or have them contact the person requesting the information. |
Date: 4/1/2005 Name: Casey Location: Calgary, AB E-Mail: Comments: I received the hoax about the Great White in Ucelet...and
followed through to the truth...
Date: 4/1/2005 Name: Ann Fell Location: Darlington UK E-Mail: ann.fell@btclick.com Comments: Looking for information on Willard Warren Perry (son of Samuel
& Jennie Perry of Port Maitland)after his return to Port Maitland in
1919. He was with the CEF in England & France 1915-19 & married
Lucy Binns in England in 1919.
Date: 4/1/2005 Name: Julie W Location: Burnaby BC E-Mail: harryandjulie@yahoo.ca Comments: Yeah, I saw the shark email. My friends know that I don't
enjoy the idea of sharks and wide open water.
Date: 4/1/2005 Name: Jack Surette Location: Atlanta GA USA E-Mail: Jackga@myway.com Comments: very interesting, I would like to visit someday
Date: 4/1/2005 Name: mac Cushing Location: Pembroke E-Mail: hiseas@yar.eastlink.ca Comments: Hey Amiee ....great pics..sure enjoyed browsing them....kinda fell onto
this site...great job!
Date: 4/2/2005 Name: Sorcier Glouton Location: Tahiti E-Mail: black_orgit@msn.com Comments: Nice site, good work.
Date: 4/3/2005 Name: Sylvia Poole Location: Gowanstown, Ontario E-Mail: herman@wightman.ca Comments: I will be visiting my daughter at Dalhousie in Halifax in
mid-April, and as she is a student in costume studies, I would like to
take her down to see the excellent exhibits at the Yarmouth Museum. Would
it be rude if I asked if I was likely to run into fog? Or, perhaps, what
parts of the day of more fog-free? Love Yarmouth.
Date: 4/4/2005 Name: Sherry Berry (Grant) Location: Yarmouth E-Mail: sherryberry636@hotmail.com Comments: Just saying Hi!
Date: 4/5/2005 Name: andre sanscartier Location: ottawa,ont E-Mail: andre.sanscartier@statcan.ca Comments: nice web site
Date: 4/5/2005 Name: Marsha Porter Location: Halifax E-Mail: I don't have one Comments: I was born and raised in Yarmouth. I still have family
there, but I prefer to live in Halifax.
Date: 4/5/2005 Name: cosman Location: carleton E-Mail: cosmanj@student.ednet.ns.ca Comments: ~cool~
Date: 4/5/2005 Name: Ronald A Petell Location: New hampshire U.S.A. E-Mail: ronpetell@hotmail.com Comments: great area own property there
you may want to watch the scotia prince so you don't loose them.
i truely feel it is a huge asset to your well being.
Date: 4/5/2005 Name: Lou Fougere Location: Cataumet, MA 02534 USA E-Mail: loofoo@verizonmail.com Comments:
Date: 4/6/2005 Name: Webmaestro Location: Miami,Florida E-Mail: Comments: Very nice website. Please visit my website!!! :)
Date: 4/6/2005 Name: Jason Carroll Location: Lethbridge, Alberta E-Mail: labarum@telusplanet.net Comments: Hello! Just thought I'd let you know the pics of your shark have reached Alberta, though now claiming the shark was caught off Port Alberni, BC. I check out Snopes and the article about the "Dawn Raider" catching a Great White while trolling for dogfish is the same but now the location is a mishmash of several places. The final tag on the email I received reads: "Quite a catch near Port Alberni. DON'T GO SWIMMING IN BARKLEY SOUND - PORT ALBION, UCLUELET, BC." I guess BC was jealous!
Date: 4/6/2005
Comments: Just arrived today - anxious to have a look at yarmouth villages
- and all the other site. Still smiling from our visit to Nova Scotia last
fall. Wonderful country, wonderful people. We took home great, happy memories.
Date: 4/6/2005 Name: Unknown Location: Canada E-Mail: unknown Comments: Dear Staff, I think you done a excellent job on the website and may God be
with you at all time! And good luck on your future!
Date: 4/6/2005 Name: Bill Surette Location: Stouffville Ontario E-Mail: bdtnah@rogers.com Comments: Just finished reading the history of Melbourne. Found it very
interesting since i grew up in that small village. Spent many days during
the summer at Cooks beach and picked irish moss at the Mill Creek. I moved
to Ontario in 1969. Still visit my brothers in Yarmouth ever couple years.
Always look forward to going back where i grew up. This is a great web
site. Keep up the good work.
Date: 4/7/2005 Name: Joshua ( George E ) Gavel Location: Victoria BC E-Mail: josh@topshelf.org Comments: I'd like to know more about Gavelton and how it got it's name. As a decendant of the Gavel clan, I'm always curious to know more about the family that I was removed from as an infant. I am the grandson of John and Eva(n.Amero) Gavel, and the son of their youngest daughter Margaret. Should anybody reading this note happen to know of my family, I'd realy like to hear from them; especially if we are related! The family is in/grew up around Centerville/ Marshaltown, on the Digby Neck. Margaret and her siblings were removed from their home as children and she, living in British Columbia, has had only sporadic contact the others over the last fifty years. She and I are not in contact. I'd realy like to hear from my cousins and any Aunts or Uncles that are still alive. Thank you
Date: 4/7/2005
Comments: I got this sent from my mom in Port Ludlow, WA. and it was claimed to have been caught off of Ocean Shores off the Washington coast. I was a bit skeptical, having been duped by previous urban legends so I searched a bit and came accross this site - the million dollar question is: How do I know THIS is the real deal??? HAHAHAHA!!!! Quite a shark.
Date: 4/8/2005 Name: Paul Mooney Location: Oakville, Ontario E-Mail: Comments: I love visiting your town, i have relatives there and i really
enjoy the towns atmosphere.
Date: 4/8/2005 Name: Doris Location: Baltimore, Maryland E-Mail: stonhaus@bellatlantic.net Comments: I'm sure you all have heard about the Scotia Prince cancelling it's 2005 season by now. This is a travesty! Everybody looses on both sides (USA & NS). Businesses who have relied on the Prince for 35 years (even longer)could fail, not to mention tourism which is one of Nova Scotia's mainstays and certainly doesn't hurt the malls in Portland.
Comment: This I think is a novel idea. I think is really interesting,
and worth consideration. It would open travel to a totally new market
of travelers. Since most tourists are as interested in the trip,
as much as the destination, the time spent on the boat is not a problem.
It is part of the trip. If anyone else has comments we will gladly
post them. Links: Maryland
Date: 4/8/2005
Comments: hi Im looking for annete cottreau or annette
Gauttreau please if any one knows her email me
Date: 4/9/2005 Name: Gregg Nickerson Location: Edmonton, Alberta E-Mail: gregorynickerson@excite.com Comments: >>>I was raised on Burton Ave. by Margaret and Stillman Nickerson...I
left Yarmouth after messing up alot...I would like to appologize for the
stuff I did, and the people I hurt...
Date: 4/9/2005 Name: angieb Location: red deer ab E-Mail: angela_bateman@hotmail.com Comments: I am looking for my birth father, or any information about
him. His name is Edward Rodney Morrow he was born in yarmouth, October
7, 1955 if anybody knows him or is related to him in some way I would love
to hear from you. Thank you.
Date: 4/10/2005 Name: James 'Richard' Johnson Location: Antigonish, NS E-Mail: xaverian77@eastlink.ca Comments: Hi. My grandmoter, Josephine Sweeney was from this area. She
married my grandfather & namesake in 1911 at St. Ambrose RC Church
& they moved to Saint John, New Brunswick. I started doing family history
almost 3 years ago but don't know many Sweeney relatives as I was only
2 when Josephine died on my 2nd birthday in 1958. I do have a picture of
her. Did you know that my grandfather was only 2 years old when his father,
Edward P. Johnson, took over as lightkeeper of the then new Chebucto Head
Light? James R would have only been 2 when his father moved the family
into the light. Edward kept the light until 1906 when he died May 3 of
that year. James R was an Engineer in the light until that time.He went
on to work for The Submarine Signal Corporation (Head Office-Boston) in
Saint John in the winter & Montreal in the summer. I have some pictures
of the family from the 1800s that have been dug up in the past 2 years.
The Johnson family hailed from County Wexford, Ireland having settled in
Halifax County (Bear Cove) somewhere around 1801.
Date: 4/10/2005 Name: Susan Elizabeth Surette Location: Parry Sound Ontario E-Mail: surette.gibson@zeuter.com Comments: I have ties to this somehow if anyone knows how give me a line. Some of my family members are in N.B.. Date: 4/10/2005 Name: albert simon amirault Location: baltimore , md E-Mail: florencerunge2@hotmail.com Comments: hello there
Date: 4/10/2005 Name: Anne Morris Location: Springhaven E-Mail: annemmorris@yahoo.com Comments: Wonderful idea, am enjoying it so far.
Date: 4/10/2005 Name: Jim Silva Location: South Carolina, USA E-Mail: ourfrostlegacy@yahoo.com Comments: I am searching for information on the families of Simeon and Catherine Harris-Frost of Argyle Sound. Best info to date is there were 10 children of the marriage, Elizabeth Grosse, Gertrude, Margaret Boone (also Scott), Danford, (my Grandfather), Harriet Dobson, Morris, Havelock (Overboard Oct 1911), Lena D'Entremont, Annie Goodwin, Mildred Publicover - I am in contact with her daughter Ruth. To date, my searches have resulted in scarce information, and I am asking
for assistance in obtaining a contact(s) to exchange photos and data.
From: "Nii Ayikwei Parkes" <ayikwei@niiparkes.com>
Hi, My name is Nii Ayikwei Parkes. I am a writer from Ghana descended from Nova Scotians who settled in Sierra Leone (my grandfather James Charles Ernest Parkes migrated to Ghana) and it has always been family folklore that some of the family was left behind. Are there any Black Parkes families still in Nova Scotia, and if so, how can I contact them? Regards,
Date: 4/11/2005 Name: Lynn Hemeon Location: Yarmouth E-Mail: lhemeon@gmail.com Comments: Pictures in and around Yarmouth that I would like to share.http://spaces.msn.com/members/yarmouth/
Date: 4/11/2005 Name: derf Location: rexdale ont canada E-Mail: fsansolita@molson.ca Comments:
Date: 4/13/2005 Name: shari Location: lynnwood washington E-Mail: s.bickmore@verizon.net Comments: god, this story came to me today... 4/13/05 saying it
was caught in Ocean Shores, WA.
Date: 4/13/2005 Name: Leanne Location: Alberta E-Mail: dlwalker@oanet.com Comments: I am from Alberta, if i was to plan a Vacation, I would love
to go to Yarmouth. It looks like such a beautiful place. Maybe
one day i will travel there. Does anyone know of a Noreen Elizabeth
Carlton that was born in Yarmouth? If so please contact me.
Thank you from Leanne
Date: 4/13/2005 Name: Leanne Location: Alberta E-Mail: dlwalker@oanet.com Comments: looking for NOREEN ELIZABETH CARLTON!!!
Date: 4/13/2005
Comments: looking for mother NOREEN ELIZABETH CARLTON (ARNASON)
Date: 4/13/2005 Name: KIM Location: OSHAWA E-Mail: kdct000@hotmail.com Comments: I am so hoping that I can make it "down home" this summer.I
am looking for a cottage rental on the lake...inexpensive!Can you help
me out?
Date: 4/14/2005 Name: Bob Location: Yarmouth E-Mail: bgavel@eastlink.ca Comments: Always interested in the Gavel geneology! I would like to
see more infor on this site, I have some Gavel geneology I could send if
you are interested in showing it.
Date: 4/15/2005 Name: Best-promdress Location: USA E-Mail: dress_prom@yahoo.com Comments: Good work dude..Nice site... do visit "www.best-promdress.com"
for beautiful Prom dress.Prom Gowns,Evening Gowns,Cocktail Dress .I am
a regular shopper at best-promdress.com & have won amazing FREE gifts
as well....So check it out............
Date: 4/17/2005 Name: hugh nickerson Location: yarmouth E-Mail: hughnickerson828@msn.com Comments:
Date: 4/17/2005 Name: Debra LeBlanc Location: Edmonton, Alberta E-Mail: telus345@telus.net Comments: I am trying to find anyone related to Capt. W. H. Thorbourne who was the guardian of Raymond Woods from Lower Jordan Bay, NS. Date: 4/18/2005 Name: angelmomm Location: South Gate, CA E-Mail: angelmomm@aol.com Date: 4/18/2005 Name: Susan Cook Location: Fredericton NB E-Mail: scokk_DQ@hotmail.com Date: 4/19/2005 Name: Mike Location: WA E-Mail: Comments: my boss got this shark email, but it said it was caught at Ocean Shores, WA! (I had a feeling it was a hoax!) Date: 4/19/2005 Name: Shawn Surette Location: Buxton, ME USA E-Mail: surette@adelphia.net Comments:
Date: 4/20/2005 Name: Pat Morris Location: Bridgewater NS E-Mail: morris@eastlink.ca Comments: I have been enjoying your great site, especially the picture
of Doctor Lake and Milo, where I spent many happy hours. Some folks may
remember parties at Pat's camp at the Cape.
Date: 4/20/2005 Name: daniel Location: bunj E-Mail: danieljoseph88@yahoo.fr Comments: god piaes you i lave jesus
Date: 4/20/2005 Name: Wallace Wally Hacking Location: Vancouver Isl. BC. E-Mail: furtreeAshaw.ca Comments: Great sight Wally Hacking formely of Lower Argyle. Gramp and
Gram Hamilton.
Date: 4/20/2005 Name: john Location: Grande Prairie Alberta E-Mail: jh_comeau@hotmail.com Comments: This sure makes me miss home and all the people that i know,
which is everyone pretty much.
Date: 4/20/2005 Name: kayla joy Location: My house E-Mail: kayla_muise@hotmail.com Comments: hey
Date: 4/20/2005
Date: 4/20/2005 Name: Lorraine Saulnier Location: E-Mail: Comments:
Date: 4/21/2005
Comments: Help!! My husband and I are flying to Portland, Maine on May 11 and had planned on using The Cat to get to Yarmouth around May 17. Just found out there is no ferry service that early in May. Other than flying, how can we get to Yarmouth? Webmaster
comment:The Cat Starts on May 27
Date: 4/21/2005 Name: Gertie Hill Location: Winnipeg Mb E-Mail: gertgeo@mts.net Comments: Just want to say what a wonderful site you have
here.Last summer we visited our home town for a reunion for White,Wests,
morrisons, Hills, Jacksons,Talbots and friends of Middleton Windsor Lower
Sackville Beechville and Liverpool co. and other places.We had a wonderful
time,theres nothing like coming home to beautiful NS.We're planning a reunion
in 2006 Aug.5-6 and if anyone out there wantany information about it, contact
me at gertgeo@mts.net keep up the good work.Yours Sincerly Gertie Hill
Date: 4/21/2005 Name: Katherine Victoria White Location: winnipeg, Manitoba E-Mail: katkat39@shaw.ca Comments: Date: 4/22/2005 Name: Meghan Mandeville Location: Boston, MA E-Mail: meghanmandeville@hotmail.com Comments: I miss it!
Date: 4/23/2005 Name: Grover Champion Location: Memphis, Tennessee E-Mail: ednamyrle@earthlink.net Comments: 4-23-05 My wife and I had the opportunity to visit Yarmouth after ferrying from Bar Harbor in 1997, NE, and I wish we could have stayed longer. My mothers ancesters were part of those pioneers run out by the british in 1735. And I would like to visit the area and walk the ground that my great-great grandparents walked. They ended up in Louisiana and are now called Arcadians. Is there any books written on this bit of history? Thanks, Grover Champion Webmaster
Comment: Some history can be found at the sites below.
Date: 4/24/2005 Name: sally Location: Yarmouth, / Alberta E-Mail: marcsmom@auracom.com Comments: Great web site and interesting reading all the people who
have signed in.
Date: 4/24/2005 Name: Audrey Taylor Location: Hollywood,Calif E-Mail: Comments: Hello everyone,
Date: 4/24/2005 Name: Audrey Taylor Location: Hollywood,Calif E-Mail: Comments: Hello to all my friends way down there in Yarmouth. Glad to
see the wonderful comments and beautiful pictures!
Date: 4/26/2005 Name: Don Location: Rosedale, Ontario E-Mail: mccumberdon@hotmail.com Comments:
Date: 4/26/2005 Name: Laurie Location: Hamilton, Ontario E-Mail: malcolm@porchlight.ca Comments: what wonderful pictures my father in law is in many and so
are his brothers and sisters Thank you very much for showing them