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Sept 2005 
Genealogy requests 
*Please Note: The proper protocol when someone requests information on a specific individual is to inform that person and get  permission to pass on information or have them contact the person requesting the information. 
Date: 9/1/2005
Name: Chris Pitman
Location: Maine
E-Mail: ronanpitman@yahoo.com

Comments: Hi, MY great grandfather was Ross Pitman who lived in Pembroke shore.  My Grandpa is George Pitman.  I am havin a lot of trouble finding out any family history.  Could anyone help me?  207-359-8013

Date: 9/2/2005
Name: Nancy Maguire
Location: Philadelphia, Pa 
E-Mail: fundyfolks4@rcn.com

Comments: I am particularly fond of the rare sea spruce!! Too funny.

Date: 9/3/2005
Name: www.Hits.FM
Location: www.Hits.FM
E-Mail: WD@SC.CO

Comments: www.Hits.FM

Date: 9/4/2005
Name: kins@personal.klis.com
Location: kins@personal.klis.com
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E-Mail: kins@personal.klis.com

Comments: kins@personal.klis.com

Webmaster comment:  Not sure what you tried to do here but it does not seem to have worked.

Date: 9/4/2005
Name: Cecile LeBlanc Bosworth
Location: Westminster Co
E-Mail: bosworthk@comcast.net


Date: 9/4/2005
Name: janet theriault
Location: digby

Comments: i lost the love of my life in yarmouth ill always love you dd

Date: 9/5/2005
Name: Jeffrey Surette
Location: charleston, SC, 
E-Mail: moose0218@aol.com

Comments: Thank you.  I was looking for a little family history.  My Grandparents, Jeffrey J. Surette and Julia Meuse traveled to the  US from Yarmouth NS.

Date: 9/5/2005
Name: Mitchell
Location: Quinan
E-Mail: pottier_2005@hotmail.com

Comments: This is a wonderful website, I would like to see more about Yarmouth county so that tourists would know that little villages like Quinan are not only little settlements. People might think that there is nothing in Quinan bu it really has a lot to offer.

Date: 9/6/2005
Name: Wanda Doucette
Location: Yarmouth
E-Mail: doucetwk@gov.ns.ca


Date: 9/6/2005
Name: Sandra Fitzgerald
Location: Comeau's Hill, Yar. Co., N.S.
E-Mail: samfitz_325@hotmail.comn

Comments: Owner of Molly - 6 six year old Little River Duck Dog. Nice to see interest in Yarmouth about local dog.

Date: 9/7/2005
Name: Jackie
Location: Methuen, MA., USA
E-Mail: madams-rib@comcast.net

Comments:      I have been a visitor of Yarmouth since 1986.  In all these years I have noticed there is very liitle advertising to promote tourism in Yarmouth proper.  There are so many quaint villages, museums and natural shorelines to see. There was a motorcycle rally in Digby, Labour Day weekend which brought much revenue and tourism to their area.  Yarmouth has the Mariners Center which would accommodate large numbers. The entertainment on the waterfront should be advertised more, in brochures that would been seen by visitors from the States. 
     The light show on the harbor was quite unique and would be a novelty for we Americans, yet there was no publicity.  Its these little events that you take for granted, would be considered special for visitors.  Why not advertise for major craft shows with local artisans, woodworkers, quilters etc.  I feel there is so much potential for the area and is not being promoted enough. 
     I wish your tourism board had some creative members which could make Yarmouth an exciting tourist region that it could be.

Date: 9/7/2005
Name: Jackie Madden
Location: Yarmouth
E-Mail: maddenjacki@hotmail.com

Comments: I believe someone should take pictures of charsleville too . love the idea. 

Webmaster Comment:  They are now up  Charlesville

Date: 9/8/2005
Name: Tamaralin Fittler
Location: Northern Ontario
E-Mail: Tamaralin.Fittler@Hotmail.Com

Comments: I have relatives in Yarmouth. They have the last name Hemlow. If you know them, or are them, please email me. 

Date: 9/8/2005
Name: Crystal Q=Watson
Location: Pleasant Valley
E-Mail: watsons40@eastlink.ca

Comments: I really enjoyed the article on Pleasant Valley . I have lived here for the last 18 years , and can't imagine a better place to live .

Date: 9/9/2005
Name: Sandy Martin
Location: Port Williams, Nova Scotia
E-Mail: sandy_pothier@hotmail.com

Comments: My dad's father and family are from Yarmouth and Wedgeport so when I saw the email I had to do a little investigating.  The shark was too good to be true.  I was sure that if something so big and beautiful had been caught so close by we definitely would have heard about it.

Date: 9/9/2005
Name: Lorinda Claxton
Location: California
E-Mail: lorindaclaxton@sbcglobal.net

Comments: I have a vast amount of family history in the towns of Kemptville, Port Maitland, Chebogue, and Yarmouth under the names of John w. Marshall and his wife, Bethiah Moulton Prosser, Jamaes Prosser and his wife, Emeline G. Valpey, a great great uncle Ernest Shaw Marshall. I am interested in making any kind of connection to complete a family history.  My grandfather was James Leighton Mashall.  My mother's name was Ernestine Shaw Marshall.  I know she was born in Nova Scotia in 1917.  I would appreciate any information anyone would be kind enough to send to me.  I plan a visit in the near future to your beautiful province.

Date: 9/10/2005
Name: neil
Location: hyattsville, maryland
E-Mail: neilmiles@aol.com


Date: 9/10/2005
Name: Ann Claggett
Location: Delta BC

Comments: I was there last year and will be back soon........that's at Pinkney's Point!

Date: 9/11/2005
Name: Brenda Teed
Location: Freeport, Nova Scotia
E-Mail: brenda.teed@ns.sympatico.ca

Comments: I spent many wonderful days on Port Maitland Beach while visiting with my grandparents Holly and Edith Thompson and 'Aunt Amy'. Had lots of great cousins to chum with in those days. Some are still there. I have taken my own grandchildren to PMBeach and hope to do so again next summer. Great web site!

Date: 9/11/2005
Name: Audrey Holiday
Location: Victoria, B.C. V8V 1p7
E-Mail: aholiday@pacificcoast.net

Comments: I'm an artist and writer (2 published sketchbooks in Tasmania, Aust.); am at present working on a trans-Canada memoir, based on 4 solo drives (1984,1991, 1995 and 2003)  between Nootka, Vancouver Island to Conception, Nfld. My 1995 drive took me to Yarmouth and the Cape Forchu Lighthouse.  I'm most anxious to obtain the full names of the two girls (Clare and Dawn) who were swept off the rock at Cape Forchu by a freak wave during Hurricane Bob on August 20, 1991. (I was in Kentville, N.S., at the time.) With thanks,  Audrey Holiday. 

Date: 9/11/2005
Name: meda carlson
E-Mail: medawrites@aol.com

Comments: If we took the cat over from Maine, would your village be a good place to spend the day.  We are mostly intwerested in shopping quaint stores and art shops.  Also, we would be on foot since we would not be bringing the car.  I thank you.

Date: 9/12/2005
Name: amanda
Location: usa
E-Mail: amanda_d_0@hotmail.com

Comments: I cant  to get in to Novaserve or my account anymore...can anyone tell me what i have to do...thank you 

Date: 9/13/2005
Location: LOME TOGO
E-Mail: maga@aol.com

Comments: nice looking site onyeze

Date: 9/13/2005
Name: joel blau
Location: brooklyn, New York & Sandford 
E-Mail: jblau@erols.com


Date: 9/13/2005
Name: Mackenzie Forrest surette
Location: woodstock,ontario,canada
E-Mail: Angelbaby_24_175@hotmail.com

Comments: Cool site

Date: 9/15/2005
Name: Hugh Larkin
Location: Long Island, South Shore
E-Mail: hugh_larkin@mhms-law.com

Comments: We here on the Island would like to thank you for taking such good care of our boys the Islanders.  Reports from there are glowing both as to the team and your hospitality.  Hopefully they are being polite and behaving themselves.
Thanks again, and greetings from L.I., east of the City.
Webmaster Comment:  They are a pleasure to have. Tickets were sold out in advance.  Hope this will not be their last visit.

Date: 9/15/2005
Name: Terry Thibodeau
Location: St. Bernard
E-Mail: terry.thibodeau@ns.sympatico.ca

Comments: thanks for the site

Date: 9/16/2005
Name: DonMcCumber Jr.
Location: Rosedale, Ontario
E-Mail: mccumberdon@hotmail.com

Comments: Just returned from  visiting Yarmouth. We certainly enjoyed the shark fest. Was nice to see that my cousin Steve Brannen,  from Pembroke, was on the boat that won the tournament. Our daughter had her picture in the Vangaurd standing next to the shark.
While we were there we celebrated mothers, 80th. birthday, and the Baptism of Ritchie Hurlbuts' son. Richard Hurlburts' 
grandson ( MLA, Minister of Natural Resources) for Nova Scotia.
The big event was our marriage which took place on Aug.31st. at North Baptist Church, in Milton. We wish to thank Gloria Wilson for all her assistance and the use of her restaurant for the reception.Its' a great place to eat! Hot, Lobster sandwiches are great! 
We also want to thank all of our family and close friends that that attended. Special thanks to Madelyn Doucette my sister (Maid of Honour} and brother Wayne McCumber (Best Man).
 My wife,(Marion) and I met three years ago at Sobeys in Fenelon Falls, Ontario. We found out that we were both from Nova Scotia and had lived fifteen minutes apart when we were growing up. Small world! 
We now have our house for sale and looking forward to moving back to Yarmouth. If anyone is ever looking for a Real Estate person, call on Barb Deveau, from the Real Estate Store in Yarmouth. She has been great to deal with. 902-742-9222.
It is too bad Yarmouth lost the ferry to the U.S. It is certainly hurting local businesses.I hope everyone weathers the hurricane safely as it is expected to hit the Maritimes tommorrow.


Date: 9/18/2005
Location: LOME TOGO
E-Mail: onyeolu@yahoo.com


Date: 9/18/2005
Name: jeff smith
Location: new york
E-Mail: rjeffrey.smith@verizon.net


Date: 9/19/2005
Name: Kenny (Bird) Cleveland
Location: Cambridge,   Ontario
E-Mail: nuagent57@hotmail.com

Comments: YEEEE  HAWW

Date: 9/20/2005
Name: Jim O'Hanley
Location: Victoria B.C.
E-Mail: jim.ohanley@shaw.ca

Comments: Was browsing the web pages from Yarmouth and surrounding areas including South Ohio...Mr.Blueberry popped up....John Daley...Have not seen him for over 40 years...probably 1965 in Halifax...
If someone could pass on my e-mail address to John it would be appreciated.

Date: 9/20/2005
Name: Jim O'Hanley
Location: Victoria B.C.
E-Mail: jim.ohanley@shaw.ca

Comments: Came across Yarmouth's web site and the pictures,archives of people singing in...just had to include myself...
Lots of familar names...As former Yarmouthians we have sure ventured far from our roots.
''You can take the boy out of Yarmouth but not Yarmouth out of the boy''
Once again i enjoyed all the pictures.

Date: 9/21/2005
Name: Dick Pothier
Location: Wedgeport
E-Mail: djprcmp51@Yahoo.net


Date: 9/23/2005
Name: tom wagner
Location: Brockville Ontario
E-Mail: thomas.wagner@sympatico.ca

Comments: i grew up in carleton Bavaria rest. I love the old archive pictures 

Date: 9/23/2005
Name: hoppy
Location: hammonds plains n.s.
E-Mail: hopsub@eastlink.ca

Comments:  I'm really trying to access any info on a Edward Barnard of Yarmouth n.s. born 1892, married a lady whose first name was Carrie or Clara I believe

Date: 9/23/2005
Name: gary crouse
Location: Zealand  NB.
E-Mail: glcrouse@nb.sympatico.ca

Comments: Lived in Lr. Sackville NS.for 10 years and never visited Yarmouth. One time flying to Halifax we landed at the airport there,then back to Saint John NB,because of fog. We never left our seats at yarmouth. The second week of October the wife and I are driving down so I can see the town for a few days. Ihave waited close to 40 years.

Date: 9/24/2005
Name: Joseph Harding 
Location: Ports. New Hampshire
E-Mail: harding13@verizon.net

Comments: Excellent Sure miss not being there

Date: 9/24/2005
Name: Steven Fitzgerald
Location: Germany
Comments: My name is Steven Fitzgerald from Germany. Just saw your homepage and found it funny that we have the same names and guess what right now I´m studying in Toronto, Canada for one semester. 
Take care

Date: 9/26/2005
Name: Ken Gagnon
Location: Ottawa
E-Mail: ken_gagnon@hc-sc.gc.ca

Comments: Hello! I work for Health Canada, and was checking the spelling of the name of your town, as I have an order to send some booklets to the Kemptville Justice Centre.  Someone had spelled it Kempville.
Have a good day!  I 'll come visit someday.  do you have bed and breakfast hotels?

Date: 9/26/2005
Name: Ken Gagnon
Location: Ottawa
E-Mail: ken_gagnon@hc-sc.gc.ca

Comments: Hello again!  I found it it was the Kentville Justice Centre that I have to send the books to.  Sorry!
Just the same, nice to have visited your site.

Date: 9/26/2005
Name: mikaela
Location: cape forchu yarmouth n.s
E-Mail: moocow@hotmail.com

Comments: hi i live in capforchu i love it hear and my grandmother lived in the light house too.. see you soon l8ter buh bye xoxoxox

Date: 9/26/2005
Name: Barbara Churchill-Shindler
Location: Houston TX  USA
E-Mail: bshin12345@aol.com

Comments: I found this site while researching my family tree and I am probably related to Capt. Churchill. Beginning with my great-grandfather who was born in Maine. 

Date: 9/27/2005
Name: Ann Sorensen
E-Mail: am_sorensen@ns.sympatico.ca

Comments: God's blessing to you both.  Have a wonderful winter.

Date: 9/27/2005
Name: Sean Wetmore
Location: Halifax
E-Mail: sean.wetmore@aliant.ca

Comments: great job on the web site.  It must of taken you along time to get all the pics and set it up. Great to look at the house down home again.


Date: 9/28/2005
Name: Jackie Madden
Location: Yarmouth
E-Mail: maddenjacki@hotmail.com

Comments: More picture of Charsville need more 

Date: 9/28/2005
Name: Carrolanne
Location: Hamilton, ON
E-Mail: mstax_driverA@yahoo.ca

Comments: It looks so beautiful in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.  I have a very close friend that lives there.  I would like to visit Yarmouth someday.
Living so close to the ocean must be a great experience, but one must be prepared for rough weather conditions, as I see on the TV.
Enjoying this web site.  Thanks...Carrolanne

Date: 9/28/2005
Name: blue
Location: Wolfville
E-Mail: bluenoser8@hotmail.com

Comments: Nice website. I would like to visit Yarmouth. I have not been down that way yet. My husband and I toured as far asLunenbourg. Nova Scotia as so much to offer in beautiful places to see.
I do Bourque genealogy. My grandmother came to D'escousse from P.E.I. in the early 1900's . Any one searching this line?

Date: 9/30/2005
Name: Mitchell Amero
Location: Medicine Hat,Alberta
E-Mail: Amero MR@cfbsuffield G4Supply@Suffield



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