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Category Search guides you through our site listings by topic. Just click on subject categories on our homepage to 
find areas specifically devoted to your search.
Keyword Search allows you to find sites by typing words into the search bar located in the yellow panel at the top of 
the page.
Searching by category is the easy way to browse the LookSmart database by topic and to find Web sites in related areas. You need no special commands or keystrokes - everything's point-and-click. Use Category Search when you're looking for information within an area of general interest. LookSmart's directory is the most extensive collection of selected and reviewed Web sites on the Internet.
LookSmart Live! LookSmart Live! is a place where our editors and members of the community can help each other 
find what they're looking for on the Web. You're invited to ask and answer questions and rate the answers to your questions. If you ask a question that is not answerd by another member of the community in 24 hours, one of our editors will take up the search for you.