Pollution in The Tusket  The Salmon River & The Sissiboo

Tri-County Watershed Protection Association
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The picture below taken in 2009 turned on many alarm bells.

This was taken by Nowlans Lake.  The lake, green all year round,  was basically a settling pond.


Video: Mink Farm Polution Problem Nowlans Lake: Aug 24, 2010:  9 Minutes
John Horton and Dr. Allen Hall explore the polluted area around and in Nowlans Lake

Video: Mink stink -public ditch  Aug 8, 2010: 5 min
John Horton and Dr. Allan Hall document the open effluent in the public ditches of HIlltown, Digby Co., N.S.

Video  http://www.radio-canada.ca/widgets/mediaconsole/medianet/6960758 French language 10 minute film we all should see.  Filth that flows out of most older farms, Stanley Boudreau's model farm.as a good example of progress in the industry.

Just touch pin in area of interest and ZOOM in. Many thanks to Ty Savoy.
LINK: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?vps=2&ie=UTF8&hl=en&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=213840470161933357502.0004dc8a32bc4c81ae59b

Down river plankton blooms were becoming more frequent, some people were getting rashes and some animals got sick.  Summer camp  Wapomeo had to relocate.
Camp Wapomeo has provided the adventures of a lifetime to campers between the ages of 7-16 since 1921.  86 years later campers continue to enjoy access to over thirty acres of majestic forest, beautiful rocky beaches, and natural wildlife.  We integrate the four YMCA core values into all programs at camp: caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.  We strive to ensure that our programs are fun and challenging, with an emphasis on safety and camper care. (S)
Two years after that it closed.  The forest has been cut down harvested. 

Down river plankton blooms were becoming more frequent, some people were getting rashes and some animals got sick.  Summer camp  Wapomeo had to relocate.
From some of the cyanobacteria experts I've communicated with it could take decades or more for the excess nutrients to clear, even if all pollution was magically stopped now - also because the phosphate present is a particularly pure form (85% food grade phosphorus diluted and used in food preparation for mink) is not readily taken up in the normal fashion. Really think we're in for a very long haul. The heavy rain brings even more contamination into the watershed from the polluted land base and wetlands. Think many folks are in a bit of despair over this and no longer fighting. Many properties are up for sale on the watershed.
Factory farming, especially for such a frivolous use, should be banned. If this keeps up, we're going to end up with dead zones along the coast - which could spell the end of the fishing industry.  DH

Letters: Don't just bury it in the woods

A friend heard about an open, well-used commercial gravel pit that has been stacked with dozens, if not hundreds, of truckloads of mink farm waste and wanted me to see it.
More:  http://www.southcoasttoday.ca/content/letters-dont-just-bury-it-woods
Editors note:  there are close to 40 mink farms within a 10-mile radius of Moody's Corner. A map of all of the fur farms in Nova Scotia can be found HERE. There are almost 2 million mink raised and processed in Nova scotia each year.

Jocelyne Rankin responds to new fur industry regulations

Jocelyne Rankin (Water Coordinator Ecology Action Centre, Halifax): On-camera interview with Bob Murphy – CBC   http://www.cbc.ca/player/Radio/Local+Shows/Maritimes/ID/2326998724/
Concern over enforcement..  On site disposal..

Regulations_Fur Industry Act 2013 .pdf 

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