Pollution on the Tusket
John Horton

From: John Horton <halleyhort@hotmail.com>
To: john horton <halleyhort@hotmail.com>
Subject: Is this the "same old" fur farm act?

Fur Farm Act Means Election Coming
It's Payback time

  • Darrell Dexter's NDP government finally published the Fur Farm Act.Some think this is nothing more than a confidential wish list of ways to avoid pesky environmental laws affecting the fur farm industry..... The so called FUR FARM ACT has actually been around since 2006, but in the form of a loose set of voluntary rules from Department of Agriculture. ASK CHRIS d'Entrement MLA who was the Minister of Agriculture at that time. He may ( or may not ) agree that mink farmers had been actively lobbying their politicians to give them more user-friendly environment laws that would allow them to expand their businesses ...............Darrell Dexter held those rules back from the public since his election, having already satisfied the mink lobby with a solid commitment to give them immunity from pesky environment laws while he carried out his term in office.
    He kept his word to the mink farmers, cashing in part of Nova Scotia's share of Harper's BORROWED STIMULUS BILLIONS in 2008 .How did he do this? Those who care have been trying to find out ever since they figured out what was going on.Specifically, our government has successfully hidden its secret agenda from public scrutiny with a determined and well funded campaign
    of information management , press/media manipulation, and inter-party sharing of all the under-the-table spinoff deals.
    While we weren't looking, millions were transferred to new mink farms under provincial Department of Agriculture direction.
    Secrecy was maintained , we were told, for proprietary reasons and for protection against eco-terrorists .
    It's a deal that should be investigated as a criminal conspiracy, but don't plan on it.
    People have lost their confidence in the legal process as they tried to find and stop obvious environmental infractions. But politics and patronage always protects its own, and before long all the legal balances and countermeasures had been bypassed or "fixed".
    Eventually it reached a point where citizens' complaints were simply being overlooked and the public had absolutely no faith in their government agencies to protect them. Environmental inspectors are a rare commodity around mink farms.
    Opposition parties have had little effect, disappointing their most ardent political supporters. They should be ashamed for their deliberate denial of the problem, and for talking from both sides of their mouths.

    THE BIGGEST LIE OF ALL can be seen on the
    Q&A sheet on these regulations that has been put out by the Government of Nova Scotia. (See: http://www.gov.ns.ca/agri/mink/pdf/FurIndustryRegulationsQAs.pdf)

    In response to the very first question: "What is in the fur industry regulations?" it says "The regulations clearly state that no discharge of contaminants is permitted from the farm property to a watercourse."

    My own thoughts: That's Bullshit, not minkshit. There is not one single recommended treatment that would remove water-soluble phosphorus ,or any other water soluble nutrient from the waste stream runoff of a mink farm.(unless you think a few acres of cat-o-nine tails will soak up the poop from a million mink)
    Brand new farms that have been built under the NDP regime do nothing to remove the water-soluble "manure nutrients". They don't tell you this, but the new mink farms around here still let the runoff drain into the woods and still bury their carcasses on their own land.

    This Document is not about law. Instead it's a Contract of Entitlements that will allow business as usual for the fur industry.

    There's an election coming..
    We need to talk personally to all the candidates, and make it clear that we need to FIX OUR PROBLEM....
    My vote goes to the first candidate who has the balls to stand up publicly for everybody's right to CLEAN WATER.

    John Halley Horton
    Forest Glen

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