Mink Lake Skiers
Held from June 15 - October 15, 1999, the Mink Lake Skiers hold the Atlantic
championships in water skiing. To find out more, contact:
Frank d'Entremont
P.O. Box 188, Lower West Pubnico, N.S. B0W 2C0.
Phone: (902) 761-3006 or 742-3051. Fax: (902) 762-2965
Of course, admission is free.
The Annual Fireman's
Fireman's day is held in almost every community in Yarmouth County, and
Carleton is no exception. Usually held in the open area of the Ycamp, the
Carleton school, or the local Legion branch. The festivities include various
games, such as a dunking booth or bingo, and an open yardsale for all to
peruse. |